coral losing color

old 5k0ol

I got an orange montipora frag that was on the bottom of the stores tank with strong MH lights. I drip acclimated it and placed it near the top of my tank under 216watt t5. The edge is starting to turn white.


Carbonate Hardness-11
well its not used to the t5 lights,when you change lighting you need to place on the bottom,it may be water aclimated but it also needs light aclimated as well
I don't think the lights are a problem...especially if the lights are weaker than what they're used to. I personally think it's the phosphates, sps's can't stand corals like them actually.
I moved it lower. It's about 7 inches off of the bottom of my 75g. And I'll do a small water change. I do have phosban running. Do phosphates leak from old filter fiber?
Phosphates can leak from old filter media, but they primarily come from fish food. What kind of fish food are you feeding, and how often? Phosphates can also come from tap water. Get yourself a phosphate test and see what your tank is reading, as well as your source water. Are you using tap or RO/DI?
Is it just the very edges that are white? With SPS, new growth will be white. With montis, it's usually the edges, stuff like acros the tips will look white.
If its pics you want, then pics you shall have.


Could be starting to bleach or it could be the start of RTN.But I'll admit too,that I can't see the pics good enough to make a decent guess.