1st fish suggestions

HI guys! I'm off to a new LFS tonight and would like some opinions on what I should get as my first fish for my new 60 gallon!
Nothing in there now except for corals, crabs, and snails.
Now, I've done a ton of googling and have a list of reef safe fish ok for 60 gallons so I don't need that BUT am not sure how they'll behave so...
I'm hoping for some first hand experience here of a fish that you personally have or have had and really enjoyed, has to be reef safe and ok to have tankmates added to it over the next few months, i.e. can't be aggressive.
Thanks for any help, I appreciate it :)
Ya know, Smitty, that's a great idea. Cause 1 little ol' fish in there for a month is going to look sad right?
You think adding 3 of them would be ok for my new tank to handle? Bioload wise?
I will be honest here I have never been anything but happy with my ocellaris clowns. I specifically chose the ones I did because they were tank raised, I knew that they could handle the potential swings a new tank would have and they are a peaceful fish. They have so much personality and any time I put my hand in the tank they are swimming throughout my fingers.
However I was very determined from the start on what my tank would look like. I knew the colors I wanted in there and searched for fish to match
Ya know, Smitty, that's a great idea. Cause 1 little ol' fish in there for a month is going to look sad right?
You think adding 3 of them would be ok for my new tank to handle? Bioload wise?

Yep, it shouldn't be a problem adding 3 of them at one time. I agree, 3 small active fish would look so much better than one fish.
Got the chromis! 3 of 'em. Terrible pic...I put them in the dark tank and they all disappeared. I flipped the lights on and 2 came out and I got a picture. The 3rd joined them about 10 minutes later and they swam around the tank together all evening. They look so cool, shimmering green and blue.
I named them Larry, Curly, and Moe. So original right?
Thanks for all the great advice guys, I'm hoping they all stay together and school nicely.
Mr. Diggler, at the register they had everyones' purchase bags lined up and I got to chit chatting with a couple people in there buying fish. The first guy got a flame angel and the 2nd guy got a copperband, and then, there was my cheap bag of little fishies. It was just funny to see the bags lined up together. My husband did NOT look impressed about them either. Oh well, every cocktail party needs a little background music right?


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Those little blue guys are soo funny to watch! They hover and dart around, mostly together. 1 is the leader and when he takes off they all frantically try to keep up. 1 is the most shy and when I approach he drops down behind the rockwork. They eat like pigs too! I changed their names and have been calling them Tweedle, Dee, Dum, cause, man, their fishie faces are, well, dumb.
Thanks to everyone again for their help!