LED lighting


Reefing newb
Does anyone know anything about the LED aquarium lights that are starting to show up. Some are made in China and at least one is made in the US. Anyone using any of these or other that are working OK? I want to go to LED on my 80g but I can't see $1000 to $1500. $500 is in my range and I could get two of the ones I am looking at for around $500 and that would be fine I think for my 48" 80g.

What about DIY? Has any one attempted the build their own LED or know where one might find information on DIY aquarium LED lighting?



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I have the ecoray 60D led fixture over my tank, and it's doing very well for my tank. It wasn't very expensive neither. You can check out rapidled.com if you do decide to try to build your own.
Hey Smitty, are yours dimmable and can you adjust the "color" of it by making it bluer or whiter?
Sorry, but they're not dimmable or any other cool features of the more expensive fixtures...but I really like them. They reminds me of my mh fixture without the heat or energy consumption. And it was only $350 I believe. I really didn't need all the special features of some of the other leds on the market, I just needed something to make my corals look and grow awesome. :)