HELP! Stylapora is bleaching


Controversial Reefer
I've had this slow growing stylapora in my tank for 2 years and he just started to bleach yesterday.:frustrat: should I start chopping him?


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yeah SPS are very picky so she is def right. Think back to ANYTHING you may have changed in the last month or so that is different from how things have always been.

The key to keeping SPS is stability so they never like changes in anything too quick >_<
levels are fine, all other SPS are fine, in fact I was noticing everything else is looking better than ever. sometimes it just happens and I chop them up and make new frags. I did notice I had an anomaly with my lights a week and a half ago. My halide was turning off before my actinics turned on and there was a 20 minute dark period. This happened since daylight savings and I never noticed it because I'm at work. I was wondering why some of my zoos didn't seem happy and their growth slowed. Since I've fixed it I already notice the zoos in much better shape. Maybe the light adjustment caused it.
idk man, it could even be something like a hot spot from the bulb in that particular spot. Who knows, you could try moving it to a new spot and see or just Chop it up like you said XD
nitrate 0, ph 8.3, calcium 460, phophate 1.0, alk about 1.7 (lower than usual). I cleaned my filter, removed my UV, added some secret alkalinity sauce, and did a small water change. I didn't chop it up. We'll see what happens.

For a laugh: I had a pile of detritus in a cave. I was syphoning it out, had a brain fart, instead of lifting the hose out of the tank I lifted it out of the bucket and shot detritus all over my wall and carpet :grumble:.
WoW! lol.

So whats up with the Phosphates?? Don't you have Chateo or something using it up? or a reactor?

I do know that Phosphate is the one thing that should be absolute zero if you can help it...
i agree, i have a reactor and some phosban, but I'm too lazy to set it up again. My phosphates have been at 0.75-1.0 all year. Everythings been going well. You may have convicned me to run the reactor though. Last time I had it going I had an accident and pumped phosban dust into the tank. NOT GOOD. I've been feeding a little heavy lately. I'm trying to get 3 new fish on pellets. It's not working so mysis will have to do. Maybe the heavy feeding had some affect. it wasn't too excessive though, just more than usual.
ok I half @ssed it. I hung some phosban in a media bag in my filter below the overflow. hopefully it has a positive effect.
stylapora seems to be making a rebound. full polyp extension in the bleached area and the bleaching has stopped and appears to be reversing itself.