Clown Fish Had Babies!!!!!


Reefing newb
Well I woke up this morning and was doing my normal checks of everything. Then I noticed something shiny on the back corner of my tank where my clown fish have been hanging out for a while. Well I looked at it closer and there are tons of little eggs with glowing eyes.:bounce: I am pretty sure they wont survive, but it's good to know that I am keeping my tank up to par. It's very exciting I guess I am a daddy now. Happy fathers day to me a day early. I have attached a photo so you guys can check it out. I will take some better picture later, but I was pretty pumped so I had to make a quick post.:^::^:


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Grats! You ever think about raising the fry someday? I saw a thread where a guy raised a batch of clowns and then he kept them all in a huge reef & anemone tank. It was pretty awesome with 20+ clowns.