i want a purple firefish!


Reefing newb
i want one of these extreme beauties! how hardy are they? any special care? i have a preculla clown, occilaris clown, fire goby, 2 pink anthesis and 1 yellow headed with a blue stripe sand sifting goby
They are pretty hardy fish, but prone to jumping. So if you have one, your tank must have a lid. Otherwise, it's only a matter of time before it ends up on the floor! They also tend to do better in small groups or a pair.
They are not hard to care for. They will hide at night in your rocks and will eat meaty foods that you place in the tank.

but, you shouldnt get it, you have 7 fish, you are already 2 fish overstocked! and antheas should not be in your tank, they require large amounts of swimming space.

Anymore and you are risking your tank failing.
really? the antheas seem to be doing good but like i mean there is a tonn of space in there for them to all swim around and the clowns are small
Generally, 1 fish per 10 gallons, but you can give or take fish depending on their size, the part of the tank they inhabit, etc. I think your 6 fish in a tank that size are fine. IMO.
yeah lol like you look at my tank and aside from the corals it looks empty but oooo im excited! ive wanted one of these since day one of my tank set up but around here they go for $80 so i figure i will start with some cheaper stuff till i feel comfortable spending that kinda of money :D woot woot
seee lol


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Generally you should not try and fill your tank up with fish. Its stressful for the fish to be in such crammed quarters and adds to the bioload of the tank, and can be harder to keep good water quality. Instead aim to fill your tank with corals or more rocks.
I think you'll love the purple firefish! Mine was great and he was always floating out in the front of the tank. Until of course, he chased some food too close to my anemone :grumble:
hahaha, love anemones.. That would be cool to watch :D

thought you had 7 fish already! so an 8th would be a lot, :) Pictures pictures pictures when it comes :D