What kind of coral and what is the other stuff


Reefing newb
I got this coral and most was dead.....and the red stuff just grows on it only. What is the coral and the red stuff?


  • coral.webp
    7.5 KB · Views: 366
Can you post a larger pic? I can't get that any bigger. The red stuff is most likely algae. The coral looks sort of like a galaxea skeleton, but I don't know unless I see a bigger pic. :(
To be honest, you cant see from this picture. If you want us to ID, you have to have a bigger picture. From what I can see it looks like a blastomussa thats dead and has cyano growing on it.
Yep, that is galaxea.

You want to get as much of that algae off as possible -- using a toothbrush, or tweezers, or whatever. It looks like it's trying to take over the coral.
can I take it out and scrub it in saltwater....like when the retract can i scrub over the live part. Also is this coral easy and what type of light.
I would avoid scrubbing the live polyps -- but you can scrub around them, and on the dead parts. If you scrub the live polyps you could damage them or rip them off.

It is an easy coral, and does well in moderate light. It has very long stinging tentacles (like 6" plus) so you need to keep it away from your other corals.