Clownfish Eggs?


Reef enthusiast
These clowns are some of the most early fish I got and I've already given up hope having them to breed. I've noticed that the male got a bite mark today. He must have a big fight. So I looked more closely and saw these. Not sure if they are eggs. Took a video with my iphone: [ame=]YouTube - Clown Fish Breeding[/ame]
M eyes are not that good but it does look like he is tending almost mature eggs.when they first lay eggs they are bright orange and when they turn silver they hatch.If they are happily breeding they will go thru the cycle every ten to 14 days.good luck enjoy.Our pair goes like clockwork every ten days


  • clown fish spawn 021.jpg
    clown fish spawn 021.jpg
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  • fishtanks littleone cats 104.jpg
    fishtanks littleone cats 104.jpg
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The tangs keep bothering them and the clowns keep fighting/chasing them off. Not sure they are happily breeding. So, I may try to get the rock away and try to hatch them in their own tank when I start seeing the silvery eyes.
It's the Canon VB-C60. I've tried so many many PTZ camera. This one is the best! Of course, it is the most expansive as well.

[ame=] VB-C60 Surveillance/Network Camera: Electronics[/ame]
I had school last night and usually end at 9:30pm but it ran late. My tank lights gone off at 10pm. By the time I got home, the pump was still running and the lights were off. I turned on the light and already saw 2 crown fish fly swimming about. No sure how many got sucked into the overflow... The night should have been off only by a few minutes. I was surprised that they hatched that early...

I then turned off the pump and started a belated finishing touch to the larvae tank. I dumped all the testing water out from the larvae tank. (I had to leave it running for 24 hours to make sure the heater temperature match my main tanks). Got a couple of gallons of water from the main tank there and start catching the larvae using the white cup with flash light method. I was surprise how easy that was. That was my first time doing it. Very exciting.

Within minutes, I already got the hang of it and caught about 10-20 larvae into the cup. By 11am or so, there were so many larvae in the parent/egg tank. So overwhelming. I was thinking how on earth I can ever get every single one of them cup by cup to the larvae tank?!!

Running back and forth between the crown fish parent/egg tank and the larvae tank many many times, until 4am... I got the very last one. Turn on the pump a little, and turn on the light to make sure I got every single one of them. Of course there are a couple more. I did that a few times until I was sure everyone was caught. However, there are still some unhatched eggs.

About 5am, I had enough for the night. Left the pump off, put in a couple of air lines and went to bed. The next morning, check the tank, there were a few larvae swimming. I got them all into the cup in no time. The rock where the eggs were was plunked clean. Not a trace of any egg sack or anything on it. Amazing.
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