sump info

jack 85

Reefing newb
hello well am moving home shortly and changing to bigger tank. when i move am going to build a sump to up water capacity and also hide equipment this much i know (not alot really). I know you have a pump to return water and your different sections for skimmer,live rock/rubble,heaters etc but im struggling with getting water to sump. if it was a normal tank would use an overflow box but its a corner tank with big glass top covering most of top so cant use one of those also dont want to drill it. what are the other options i can see some people have overflow pipes but dont really know enough about them so any help much apprecited thank you.


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You will either need to drill the bottom of the tank (assuming its not tempered glass on the bottom I believe, but I'll need to research that) or use an overflow box that hangs on the side or the back of the tank, those are really the only two ways to go about draining water from the display tank to the sump
if it was a normal tank would use an overflow box but its a corner tank with big glass top covering most of top so cant use one of those also dont want to drill it.
How big is the hole that appears to be in the back corner? I built my own overflow with only a 3/4" pvc pipe that would need to penatrate the top cover. If that would fit I can send you pics of what I did. You could also use 1/2" if that would fit I would just slow down the flow and a better chance of being cloged.
thanks for the replies.the gap at the back is about half an inch between the top and back piece. Behind the back piece in tank is a small triangle for pipework/wires etc
All the overflow boxes i have seen are the type that sit on the top edge of the glass with a box in water and one over the back with piping to sump if i am correct. i cant see how one of them is going to fit without removing one of the top glass pieces but i think they are acting as braces. any pictures would be appreciated. really scratchin my head. (IDEA) what if i got two of the same pumps rated the same with one in tank and one in sump. if i lost my power then pumps would just shut off without overflowing sump?
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what if i got two of the same pumps rated the same with one in tank and one in sump. if i lost my power then pumps would just shut off without overflowing sump?
I would not do this personally, what if one pump gets blocked by a fish or snail, or quits working? With an overflow, you set your water where if one fails it would not overflow the other tank, I am not sure how you could do this with two pumps, and unless you have a siphon break or a check valve water would contiue to flow from your DT to your sump untill the pump in your DT is dry. So I would think of something else Sorry!!