Fu Manchu


Reefing newb
The new tank mate for my sailfin is a Fu Manchu and 3 damsils (make that 2). He filled up on damsil last night :grumble:. I was worried about him eating. Now he's fat and happy. I was going to feed him every other day, but now i'm worried that's not enough (he's eating ghost right now). I want him to be somewhat fat and happy as to have other fish. He leaves the sailfin alone. Here's a pic of the pretty, but still guilty party. :D


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    fu manchu.jpg
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NICE!!!!! :D
I have always wanted to see one while diving! But never have.
You dont wanna get stung by that little bazza either! :p
Thank you. He's only a few inches right now and the damsil nearly as big, so I was surprised. I can't figure out how he was able to take the damsil. I new it was possible, but not now (due to the size). I could not believe the size of his belly this morning. I'm afraid he may have overeaten. But, he's moving around just fine.
I thought you might like to see him in action. I Love his colors.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mfp2EfkZIr8"]YouTube - Fu Manchu May 2011[/ame]
Thank you all. I'm really enjoying this fish. It's got such a personality.:mrgreen: Unlike the frogfish, I know for sure when he's spots the shrimp.