My Puffer


Reefing newb
I notice My Porcupine Puffer is resting behind the aqueon circulation pump thats in the cube 90G in my waterfall section of my reef. It will prop itself straigght downward behind the pump and rest. When I feed I have a shut off switch and the eating begins, swims a while, then right back like a bat upside down on a tree. the emperor that is with it loves the waves, but the body of the emperor can handle the gliding into the current. the mass of the puffer being rounded kinda pushes him around. So this is my choice. If it is bad for it I would like to put it in the next cube, but I am not sure if it will destroy my reef. I put a sea fan, 2 frogspawns, and a maze brain in the 2nd 40G cube. Will it eat them? Or should I remove the circulation pump from the 90? I like the pump because in the waterfall the flow is limited to small overflows, and rely on the pump to keep the water really moving and mixing decent. Just way too many dead flow areas without. So - whatcha think? Currently building the 220Gallon that will connect and go to the 90 -40- 20, then to my main reef. Right now its just 90 - 40 - 20. the Puffer will have the 220 as home in 6 months to share with the emperor, so solution long term is on the way.


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More Picts of waterfall area they are in


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Finally!!! So is my fish an emperor or Imperator. What is the difference??? Can't wait to hear? will it change soon?
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There's no difference Pomacanthus imperator is it's scientific name, emperor angel is just it's common name.
There's no difference Pomacanthus imperator is it's scientific name, emperor angel is just it's common name.
+1 ....,,but there are ones from Christmas island and the Red Sea which seem to be more desirable then from the Philippines and Indo -pacific ...more colorful i guess and slightly orange tail not yellow
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I think you will be fine moving the puffer over. He might re-arrange your corals, but he is only going to try and eat your shrimp, crabs, snails etc you have in there.

And the angel is sooo pretty :)