LTA Question


Reefing newb
HI everyone, sorry I havent been here in a while, Hope everyones tanks are going well. I'm trying to decide if my LTA is happy and healthy but I'm unsure. Here are a couple pics, what do you guys think?


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he put himself here the day after I bought him and been there every since, I have 4, 6500 compacts, 2 t8"s one 50/50 actinic, I felt like he was doing good but wanted some feedback from others with more experience. :D
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funny thing is I have a clownfish that isnt interested in him at all...... but he has made friends with a red leg hermit crab.....
I think that is enough light . .. but im not 100% sure on that. And if he has found a spot he likes, then he is probably happy and healthy.

Also, it takes most clownfish awhile to figure out the nem thing.