Suggestions for stocking 120


Reefing newb
I'm still moving forward with my 120 (I have my sump and got my skimmer last night so that's exciting), and was trying to get a handle on what I'm going to keep for fish. I'll be doing the tbs package for my rock/sand/critters and I plan on having some soft corals (zoa's, toadstool) and I'm fascintated by frogspawn and hammer coral so I'll definitely have some of those eventually. For fish I don't want the tank to be too crowded so what I had come up with so far was:

Yellow tang
Purple dottyback
Some sort of Goby
2 clowns

I definitely won't be winning any points for originality, but was wondering what else people would suggest or if this would be a solid group. And what order would you guys suggest? Start with the clowns, or will it really matter with these guys?
I think starting with the clowns would be fine, they are great beginner fish. I also like the fish you picked out.

The thing i have found is that, people make all sorts of lists of the fish they want, and then they end up with some very different. So i would just do lots of research on lots of different fish, and then as you slowly add them, see what kind of shape your fish stock takes.
It depends upon what kind of clowns you want. They are damsels... so if you get a more aggressive kind (maroon, for example) they can be bullies. You should add in order of most aggressive to least aggressive.
What about some anthias? Or a wrasse?
I did look at some anthia's and thought those were nice looking so that's definitely a possibility. And they weren't yellow which is a plus. And I thought about a six line wrasse for a while and came across a lot of people who ended up not liking them because they were bullies and super hard to catch.

And I hear you on the plans changing. I've already changed my mind a bunch of times about every single item I need from lighting to skimmer to fish. Be interesting to see how different things end up in a year.
If it were me, I'd add the foxface first, it's probably going to be the most peaceful fish you add. not all sixlines end up as bullies mine has been great so far. But, if your worried about it you could always look at a fairy wrasse or leopard wrasse they are both peaceful types of wrasses.
It depends upon what kind of clowns you want. They are damsels... so if you get a more aggressive kind (maroon, for example) they can be bullies. You should add in order of most aggressive to least aggressive.
What about some anthias? Or a wrasse?

Not to be second guessing you here (You should add in order of the most aggressive to the least aggressive) but I've heard the exact opposite.

Please advise, thanks!
I have not had any problems with my six line. Look at blue spotted jaw fish, Blue gudgeon dartfish aka goby. I dont really know which one it is. They are very graceful.
Maybe Erin just had it backwards, noob :) But yes, things are more likely to go smoother if you add peaceful fish first...not a guarantee, but it raises your chances.

My stocking list changed somewhat, with impulse buys stuck in between :) But try not to jump on a fish you know nothing about. I only do impulse buys on fish that I have at least some idea of what their needs and temperaments are, but never if I know nothing about them.
You should go to Look at all the marine fish to decide what you like, and what their needs are, as well as their temprament. Lavender Tangs, and Mata Tangs are 2 of my favorites, though I do have a small Yellow and a Vlamingi. You can get a couple tangs, but definately wait until last to add your clowns, unless they are small babies.
In a 120 you have lots of options too,,,look at a trigger or an angel...even a puffer..
I don't like the crowed look either,but 3-4 nice sized fish with a couple little ones mixed in....have fun
Thanks for all the responses... I have been spending a lot of time at liveaquaria checking things out. Their compatability grid is nice. I had planned on adding the clowns first, but I'll definitely skip that and do them last. I'll go with the foxface first and go from there. And I won't discount the sixline either.

And I think triggers may be the coolest looking fish I've ever seen (especially clown trigs), but thought if I wanted any corals they would be out.
Ahh,you mean this cute little guy//,,,, he won't harm corals ,just all and any invert...but i'd much rather have him than a skunk shrimp,or some snails...right now mines a teddy bear,but just be aware that can all change overnight..


  • P3103276iyearsmmmm.webp
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Hah... Yeah, definitely that guy. Insane how cool they look. That's his first birthday pic isn't it?? You're definitely right that he's better than any shrimp or snail in existence, but I'd be worried about him getting grouchy on me.
Hah... Yeah, definitely that guy. Insane how cool they look. That's his first birthday pic isn't it?? You're definitely right that he's better than any shrimp or snail in existence, but I'd be worried about him getting grouchy on me.
Yeah thats it.....well you probably know by now that i have 2 triggers,,and you know my other one IS a PITA,, risk=no reward...not trying to convince you to get one,but don't dismiss one because they "may" become grouchy....any fish has potential to become a major problem...i have heard of killer dottybacks and royal grammas before..
Oh and they are definitely much cooler in person:wink:
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Yeah, i hear you on the risk reward... I've got some time to decide, so who knows what I'll end up with. So many awesome things to choose from.
try a niger, blue jaw, pinktail, or a whitetail, these triggers are less likely to snap, the blue jaw is considered "reef safe" but will eat inverts, he would be a good one, i have a whitetail and love him, but you can only have one