Trigger needs tank mate


Reefing newb
what is a good tank mate for a white tail trigger? i already have a snowflake eel, and im upgrading to a 120 within the month.
If you ask the Trigger he'll probably tell you a FEMALE white tail trigger.:D

I don't know anything about them, somebody else will chime in. OhNo is the Trigger expert.
My trigger (Niger) (and up until recently my snowflake) are currently housed with a sailfin tang, a tomini tang, a lawnmower blenny, maroon clowns, a tiny sleeper goby and a lemonpeel angel.
He was the fourth fish in the tank and I've never had any issue with him starting a fight.
My trigger (Niger) (and up until recently my snowflake) are currently housed with a sailfin tang, a tomini tang, a lawnmower blenny, maroon clowns, a tiny sleeper goby and a lemonpeel angel.
He was the fourth fish in the tank and I've never had any issue with him starting a fight.

thats good, i read that the sufflamen triggers are less aggressive, but i didnt know if i should lookes for fish labeled as aggressive or if i would be safe with semi-aggressive fish
I just re-read what you posted.
I would wait until you upgrade to add anything else.
First, it will throw the trigger off being in a new tank, which increases your chances or them getting along from the beginning.
Second, you tank is already (as you know) not big enough for the trigger. If you add something else in there, you run a seriously increased risk of him behaving aggressively to anything new.
thats good, i read that the sufflamen triggers are less aggressive, but i didnt know if i should lookes for fish labeled as aggressive or if i would be safe with semi-aggressive fish

Yeah , i think the Humu is in the less- aggressive category can have mine if you come fish him out:mrgreen:....Anyway,i'm convinced there is no such thing as more or less- aggressive in "triggers"they are predators ....i also have a clown trigger who they put right up there with the undy and titan as far as BA far he's fine(um,my humu was for 2 years also,so check back in another year)...i'm not going tell you get this one or that one...i will say 2 triggers together is awesome(if tank is big enough and a 125 is not "for their adult sizes IMO"), i love triggers..(heck,i'm going for 3 in my next tank),, but you double the risk of one of them just loosing it one day and waking up to a half a fish here or there...i see how they act on a daily basis,and the way they jump out of the water trying to get the feeding cup,,they are friggin awesome,,but be prepared...
Oh,i am not an expert,just one of the crazy ones trying 2 triggers in one tank(soon 3):wink:


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i also love triggers, the picasso is why i started the hobby, but i heard they are terrors so i tried to find somthing different and came across the white tail and i love him, so i want to build the tank around him, and one day when i graduate HS and college i will have a huge tank