yellow tang

IMO a 90 is a minimum for a yellow. It should be fine in there as long as you keep sight of your stock list and the mature size of the fishes you put in with it.
I think 90 is fine for a yellow tang. I've had my yellow tang for nearly 11 years now, and he is in a 90. :)

Yellows don't seem to grow very fast...
This is what confuses me so bad.....
There are all these sites that give max growth sizes....ok when do they get there??
your tang is 11...thats friggin awesome ...but how big is he?Is it an absolute fact that tank size doesn't affect growth in SW fish...IDK,maybe theres something to it..??
I have never seen an 8+ inch yellow tang in any home aquarium or a 1 foot trigger,,,i don't think anyone here has purple is 5-6 inches(if i had to guess),6 years old ,i honestly never seen one much bigger anywhere...I did not grow him out,he came from my old LFS and i believe he was in there 300 reef for 4 years..
I have seen large angels in the 8-9 inch range,but i'm not sure if they came from the ocean at that size or where grew out...just makes me think
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This is what confuses me so bad.....
There are all these sites that give max growth sizes....ok when do they get there??
your tang is 11...thats friggin awesome ...but how big is he?Is it an absolute fact that tank size doesn't affect growth in SW fish...IDK,maybe theres something to it..??

You are totally right. I've seen some huge yellow tangs at my LFS (like the size of small plates) but nothing near what their adult size is considered to be. Here is Tangy my tang, in a photo taken in December. This is a 4-foot tank, to put things in perspective. I don't know, maybe he's a midget. I should ask Wonton and Fast, the midget experts. :lol:

You are totally right. I've seen some huge yellow tangs at my LFS (like the size of small plates) but nothing near what their adult size is considered to be. Here is Tangy my tang, in a photo taken in December. This is a 4-foot tank, to put things in perspective. I don't know, maybe he's a midget. I should ask Wonton and Fast, the midget experts. :lol:
Heres my purple...who according to many sites is supposed to reach 10 inches ...i dont see it happening....ever...for any purple in captivity makes me wonder ...i think growing them out in home aquariums has a big difference on how big they get
i mean he looks huge in my hand,but then compare it to the tape


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I love how you measured your hand for reference.
Just trying to present the facts:D....i think a lot of us think our fish are bigger than they really are(including me)...not many of us hold them all like i do for reference either :mrgreen:..
Brings me to another many would consider putting my purple in a 75-90 or even a YT the same size..?....
Brings me to another many would consider putting my purple in a 75-90 or even a YT the same size..?....

I think your purple tang is a lot bigger than my yellow tang and my sailfin tang. And if my tangs were that size, they would not be in my tank.
Not trying to argue at all,just having good discussion ,,,but if the projected and possible size of a YT,or PT is 8+ inches ,why consider putting them in 90 ??
Again,your tank is awesome and your fish are old and fat and are doing everything right...but not every new comer will,and their fish will probably become stressed ,and their next post will be "my YT has ich"...,
and i still think tank size has to have something to do with growth
Someone ring for a midget? :D

I've seen some nice big fat tangs at my lfs, too. Might be nutrition stunting our fish's growth. We feed them what they need, but nothing compared to what they can get in the ocean.
Not trying to argue at all,just having good discussion ,,,but if the projected and possible size of a YT,or PT is 8+ inches ,why consider putting them in 90 ??
Again,your tank is awesome and your fish are old and fat and are doing everything right...but not every new comer will,and their fish will probably become stressed ,and their next post will be "my YT has ich"...,
and i still think tank size has to have something to do with growth

Not arguing at all. Just saying that if my fish were as big as yours, I don't think I'd feel comfortable keeping them in my tank. I don't know how long it'd take for my yellow tang to get to be 8 inches long, but I suspect I have plenty of time before I have to upgrade.
Not arguing at all. Just saying that if my fish were as big as yours, I don't think I'd feel comfortable keeping them in my tank. I don't know how long it'd take for my yellow tang to get to be 8 inches long, but I suspect I have plenty of time before I have to upgrade.
I know your not,i just didn't want to come off as jerky..:mrgreen:
I guess the bottom line is ,there are tons of things that affect how our fish grow ,and Erin and wonton are right too.....
My tangs are both fatties.
The Sailfin is probably around five inches... and hasn't grown much in the past few months. My Tomini is probably about 4 1/2... but according to live aquaria they only get to be 6.