Weird action...


aspiring reefer
my Polyp's have been acting crazy!
see the one on the left that looks like its completely dead? that one came back to life after 2 months and looks great.
now the big one on the right has been folding out like that for a few days at a time then coming back to life. it looks just like the one on the left when it does that.
what is going on? should i be concerned?


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Sounds like they are being aggrivated by something maybe.

Do you have a reef testing kit to test calcium and stuff?

Do you have any crabs or fish that might be nipping at them?

What kind of lights do you have again?
I have been having the same problem with my button polyps for a while now. They used to be colorful for the most part, now they are just a brown and stay closed most of the time.