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Nice new koran angel so im going to be feeding him mysis cubes and green seaweed and flakes mix it all around thru out the week any info on this guy would be great thanks


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+1 little_fish.
You're going to need to upgrade soon.
um,very soon.....
stop feeding mysis cubes and flakes.....get him eating fresh green veggies ASAP....get him krill,scallops and table shrimp also...carrots will help him morph better,but in a 75 he may be to stressed to even start...i had mine since he was tiny(1.5 inches or so)..he as grown like crazy,but just recently started to really morph..its awesome to watch...they grow fast...good luck...also stop running carbon if you are and get a grounding probe...they are very sensitive and prone to HLLE...mine had a touch of it when i got it and now he just has a small scare
great fish though,,,i love mine
Ya it will be a few months and I'm going to get maybe a150 gallon or so when I move into my new house but it will have to do for now and no more flake? So like lettuce I get the ball of lettuce just brake a piece off I heard there was nothing in it for the fish so that was useless and why not sea weed
Ya it will be a few months and I'm going to get maybe a150 gallon or so when I move into my new house but it will have to do for now and no more flake? So like lettuce I get the ball of lettuce just brake a piece off I heard there was nothing in it for the fish so that was useless and why not sea weed

I wouldnt use iceburg lettuce it is useless and has no nutrients in it at all. I dont have one these kinds of fish but no creatures including humans benefit from iceburg lettuce. Try a nice blend or romain.
Seaweed is fine.....I use nori
but also feed him ,spinach,zucchini,brussel sprouts,broccoli,peas,and carrots....along with the meats i mentioned
good luck
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Because it's been said that carbon particles in the water can cause H.L.L.E., especially in fish more prone to the disease.

hey OhNoNemo,

I was just curious why you suggested not using carbon with the Koran?

Thanks alot
Because it's been said that carbon particles in the water can cause H.L.L.E., especially in fish more prone to the disease.
Yes ,this...
The LFS i got my angel from ran/runs it,and when i got my koran he had a touch of HLLE...i too ran carbon,,,started researching HLLE more and that was one suggested thing that may cause it....
ok well i put some romain lettuce in there and he hasnt even looked at it yet i have it on a rubberbanded rock and it doesnt faze him he loves flake and cubes but doesnt even care for it but it may take time may not be use to it maybe
Stop using the rubberband and rock ,and try spinach ,and put it in with some flake mixed in....personally i would start weening him off flake soon....
you should stop using flake altogether ...your clown will eat the spinach too.....along with the meats you should be feeding the angel