Green Clown Goby Attacked?


Reefing newb
Recently we added a fairly large coral banded shrimp to the reef tank on the recommendation of the LFS because I was told they are 100% harmless, Reef safe, and safe around all fish... Further Ive been reading up on them where people swear they would NEVER kill a fish. Ive got some bad news for those folks who want to believe these shrimp are harmless... THEY ARE NOT! DONT TRUST THEM! :death:

Two days after added the shrimp, we picked up a pair of Green Clown Gobies that we have been waiting on for a week. Added them last night, today when I got home from work I found one of them is completely missing and the other was sliced in half.

My first thought was to start looking at some of my other fish for any aggressive behavior, but after looking closely the little guy was cut almost right in half like someone took a pair of scissors to him. I realized that the rock he was hiding on last night is the same rock my banded shrimp hides under. The shrimp was literally chasing some of our smaller fish around and pretty much taking snips at anyone who dare to get close, it even started to poke at my sea hair when it got too close... Im kinda surprised given they have a pretty good reputation for being safe.

In any event the banded shrimp found a nice new home in a 10 gallon quarantine tank until I can figure out what to do with the little bugger! :grumble:
Take him back to the store.
And CB are not always docile. I would personally not add one to my tank.
Green clown gobies should also not be kept in pairs...
Yeah,you should have asked here first...i guarantee people would have said heck no!!!
Erin and I included....i had one my first year ,and it went after every one of my fish...ripping fins ,pinching tails...,then he met Mr. Humu.......i longer have a CBS problem:wink:
My Picasso Trigger ...AKA humu trigger
I call him Mr. humu now,because he is king of the tank and an A-hole:mrgreen:


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By and large the CBS are not aggressive. I've seen them reach out and try to grab anything that floats or swims past but they are too blind and slow to catch a fish. You can get a fish that is supposed to be totally safe and docile but you get the one crazy exception to the rule and then the fish starts terrorizing other fish. Strange thngs do happen in this hobby. What you had happen was not the norm. It is also very possible that something else killed that fish.
Just like everyone saying a humu is one of least aggressive and laid back of all the triggers.....i bought into that while doing "research " on them...3 years later i would love to get him out and get a niger,,,but i'm afraid he'll bite my hand off when i try to net him:mrgreen:
nothing is black and white in this hobby ,thats for sure...lots of shades of gray...thats why forums are get opinions on everything and anything ,and real life experiences from the people who are on the forums..
nothing is black and white in this hobby ,thats for sure...lots of shades of gray...thats why forums are get opinions on everything and anything ,and real life experiences from the people who are on the forums..

And even then, you'll find an exception to the rules ;)
My CBS is a model citizen - and everyone that sees the tank looks past the fish, and comments on the CBS (when he's out, he's a little on the shy side)
Yeah,you should have asked here first...i guarantee people would have said heck no!!!
Erin and I included....i had one my first year ,and it went after every one of my fish...ripping fins ,pinching tails...,then he met Mr. Humu.......i longer have a CBS problem:wink:

LOL! I love Huma Huma's and this just may be why :D
My CBS is a model citizen - and everyone that sees the tank looks past the fish, and comments on the CBS (when he's out, he's a little on the shy side)

Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Im certainly starting to realize about the "Grey areas" in this hobby... Its hard enough when even the LFS's 3 blocks from each other contradict each other daily!

But isnt that part of why this is such a great hobby!? It always keeps you guessing! :scratchch
When it comes to coral banded shrimps, I have heard stories of them being perfect reef citizens. But I have heard way more stories about them going after and killing fish. Sounds like you got a rotten one. :( I would not put one in my tank.
Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Im certainly starting to realize about the "Grey areas" in this hobby... Its hard enough when even the LFS's 3 blocks from each other contradict each other daily!

But isnt that part of why this is such a great hobby!? It always keeps you guessing! :scratchch

Of the meny many LFs I have been to, I only trust one and I would not fully trust even that one.