Specific type ID on tube worm


Reefing newb
It has got a hard tube with multiple crowns. I wondered if anyone could tell me the specific species of duster?


  • nicesideduster.jpg
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if you click on the pic does it bring up larger pic it has more then one crown my other coco only has one crown this one is in a hard tube i got it as a hitchhiker do cocos have more then one crown?
OK then one more question i bought what i was told by my LFS was a coco worm but it has one crown and a soft tube colorful crown and spirals up is that a coco worm too just different type?
we have had one of those little tiny feather dusters that hitchhike on LR for about three months and we have watched it grow. my husband loves all things tube worm. He named the tiny one James after Earthworm Jim.