My sons first fish


i love triggers
Heres Fred


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I'm confused.... I thought his son was Fred. :dunno:

No,no....Freds the fish:sfish:

Either way nice son and fish. But it'll be dead if you keep it out of the water too long you know. :lol:
I guess i better stop taking them for walks then:mrgreen:
Nice addition Matt, Clowns are still among my favorite fish!
Its what he picked out.....he actually wanted a maroon ,but i told him that won't work guys are gonna be a couple of reef addicts. Just sit around all day and talk about fish.
My daughter is already asking when she'll get her first tank...I love it:D
If i can't get the wife into it ,i might as well get to the kids while they're young
my mandarin used to swim up to the surface and around my fingers when ever i was adjusting something in the tank. i miss him so much
clowns are cool just stay away from them nems they are a pain in the A$$