Urchin carrying eggs


Reefing newb
Sorry no picture as my camera sucks and the urchin is between rocks. My urchin has what looks to be eggs attached to itself is this normal?
what kind is it? Urchins pick up things and carry them with them. Pin cushions, among others, are always carrying bits of sand that could easily take the appearance of eggs though some species of Urchin definitely do carry their eggs within their spines so it is possible.
did you just get the urchin? Did the eggs appear after you placed it in your tank? are they in a string, one attached to the next? Sounds like it may be a spawning event most likely caused by a change in temperature or salinity. If you just bought it and didn't drip it long enough, that would explain it. If that is the case, then whether it is male gametes, or female, it will be lacking the other so don't expect anything to hatch. Your fish will enjoy the caviar. That said, the change in levels would also indicate that the animal could be stressed so be extra cautious not to allow parameter swings while doing water changes over the next couple of weeks and just keep an eye on the urchin for health.
We have had the urchin about 3 weeks and our parameters have not changed. The eggs are not attached to each other, they are about the size of a BB and there doesn't seem to be a dot inside so most likely wont hatch anything. Can urchins pick up and carry other animals eggs?
okay it came out enough for a pic. hopefully you can see the egg


  • UrchinWegg.jpg
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+1 Little Fish. Those are not Urchin eggs. They could be a sponge or tunicate, or some kind of hydroid. tough to tell without better pics. If you are worried, you could syphon them out with a piece of vinyl tube
My avatar is my purple urchin carrying a big googly eye that I handed to him LOL OMG how cute would that be if it had tiny baby urchins! I WANT ONE
as far as I know I don't have trunicates or hydroids. I have a red firefish, a yellow tail blue damsel, a true perc, hitchhiker various worms including feather dusters, a cocoa worm one also, an unidentified anemone, various coral, astrea snails, hermit crabs, stomatella snails, couple mushrooms , and a longneck clam