Need help with ID


Reefing newb
I got this live rock and it had a blob hitchhiker. The lady at the shop were I got it said it was some type of coral but she wasn't sure what type. It can flatten down and re-blob to move itself. It likes to be hand fed freeze dried krill. I just want to make sure it is okay to have in my tank. sorry if the pictures suck only have my phones camera.


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Hopefully these pictures will be better.


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I was the worst picture taker that this forum has ever seen....until you showed up.:D

I have no idea what it is either....
looks like a sea turnip not jokeing
but it looks like its capable of complex movement the whole crushing down thing looks like it has a mouth there on the top hmmmm hard to tell i aint seen anything like it but ill look around some of my books for it and get back to you
UPDATE on blob

It has now grown tentacles and moved itself between the top and bottom part of the rock.
I fed it last night and by morning it had spit the food back out.


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hmm since its now sprotted tentacles a nem is probably what it is, we may have to wait and see if said tentacles grow or not i for nothing like that in any book i have