Mushroom colors mutation?


Reefing newb
My mushroom has been growing and splitting, the parent was orange. The children were orange colored as well until recently. I have attached a pic of what I think looks like a color mutation of sorts. The new children have white stripes? I've never seen this before and wasn't sure if that's normal or am I going insane imagining things here?


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That looks like a totally different type of mushroom (it's not an uncommon type though). It's super weird if you never saw one like that before. I can't imagine that the orange ones are producing striped babies. Strange!
That looks like a totally different type of mushroom (it's not an uncommon type though). It's super weird if you never saw one like that before. I can't imagine that the orange ones are producing striped babies. Strange!

The one in the upper right corner there is orange with very thin white stripes. I couldn't get a good shot of it. I could only get a corner of it in the pic.
This happened to me with palys once...all green palys started making babies that where green with a single big white stripe, it's wierd but cool! Maybe it's some sort of recessive gene that somehow got passed down, but for some reason the dominant one didn't...that's my theory anyways.
I guess genetic diversity has to happen somewhere. this was like the 5th child shroom spawned and the first couple looked other guess would have been color mutations from sexual reproduction with a different colored shroom in my tank.