First coral! :)


Reefing newb
So i have a 12g nano with about ten pounds of live rock and for the last month i have been troubleshooting all my issues since i just set it up in december. So now that my tank is all squared away i am ready to form my reef! I love xenias so i was thinking of starting off with a head of xenias. If there are any objections to this from other reefers and nano reefers please speak. any advice is welcome, whether it is something i wanna hear or not. Oh and my fish so far are 1 clown and three snails and a hermit. If anyone has some ideas as to what corals would be good for my first peices please let me know. :) i will post a pic as well.


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There are many types of leathers -- toadstool leathers, finger leathers, devil's hand leather, cabbage leathers... The problem with xenia (especially in a small tank) is that they spread very quickly and are very difficult to control. You will have a tank full of only xenia in no time, and it will choke out anything else you try to add.
You dont need to feed leathers anything, but that is still pretty low on the lighting. You might be able to keep a leather under that, but im not 100%
Biff's right!!!!!!
Xenia.Not without a lawn mower to trim it it's like the crab grass of the ocean. Took me almost 3 months to get rid of it and now it's coming back and boy does it Stink when you pull it off rocks WOW!!!!