ammonia reading

Kenny G

Reefing newb
Hello all, I have my 1st batch of salt water made up. (I have been buying at LFS). Its only 3 gals for my 28 gal cube. the salinity tested a little low at 1.021 and also had an ammonia reading at around .25 to .50. I used a R.O. distilled water. I am going to buy a new test kit today because I have also been getting slight ammonia readings in the tank for almost 3 weeks. I have been adding Stability by Seachem, cut back on feeding. I took out the filter basket 1 week ago to see what happens. So right now I have only biological filtration. 25 lbs live rock, 1.5" of live sand. Water params.
Salinity 33, PH. 7.9, ammonia .15, Nitrites0 temp 79. These params have been consistant. I also have a small protien skimmer in the back but it is collecting nothing after a month of running. So here are some questions:
1.can you get ammonia reading in new water?
2.what should i do with the basket filter? I have a crappy skimmer? (oceanic brand)
P.S. all the live stock looks great. (peppermint shrimpx2 , yellow tail damselsx2 , clown , assorted corals). I have lost the occasional snail along the way.


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