Fin Damage?


Reefing newb
I have 2 Black-Tailed Dascyllus that appear to have some damage to their dorsal fins. I do not have any other fish with anything like it. I have 6 Blue / Green Chromies, 3 Blue Damsels, 2 Lemon Damselfish, 13 hermit crabs, & 6 snails, 1 Cleaner Shrimp, and 3 Peppermint shrimp. All seem to be doing well except these 2 Black-Tailed Dascyllus. It also looks like just the Dorsal fins. Any Ideas out there?


  • Dorsal Finn.webp
    Dorsal Finn.webp
    26.4 KB · Views: 592
  • Dorsal Finn 2.webp
    Dorsal Finn 2.webp
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It looks like something is growing on there, like a fungus maybe? Fin rot or something similar.

Are they stressed out from being the lowest guys on the totem pole, they are in with a pretty rough crowd.

I would make sure that they are eating, and eating a high quality diet. Hopefully they can beat it on their own.
Thanks for the replies. I am going to set up a QT today and get them out of there for a while. I will also make sure they have a good antibiotic in there. I am contemplating putting in a divider in the 10 gallon QT that I have to keep them separated, Any thoughts on this?
It might be a good idea so they dont pick on each other.

Also make sure you read and follow the antibiotic directions carefully! Some can cause more harm then good.
I have a four stripe that has the exact same thing, been trying to figure it out for like two weeks now. He seems really healthy and eats well so I am pretty much just going to let him try to fight it on his own. Mine isn't getting picked on. He is the bully in my tank. I think it is some sort of fungus.
If he is eating normally, then its best to just let them fight it on their own. Sometimes the stress of moving them to a QT tank and treating can be worse than the actual sickness.