Painting the back of tank


Reefing newb
I have a tank that is drilled with an overflow, and the overflow is made of black acrylic. It runs up the center of the tank. The back of the tank is currently painted black. I know a lot of people really like black, but I dont (although to be honest I havent really seen it in a fully working tank, maybe I would like it). I want to scrape off the black, and paint it dark blue. Does anyone think that will look weird to have a dark blue background and a black overflow in the middle? I think it might look weird. I know this purely an opinionated thing, theres no right or wrong answer but I would like to hear the opinions of others.
I don't have overflows and my tank is painted black,but if i did have them,i would build a LR wall around the so you wouldn't be able to see them ...heres mine


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I am partial to the black background myself. Here is a pic of my tank with black:



Lots of people prefer blue, and I don't think it looks funny to have a blue background either.
Um,Biff,,we can't see the back of your tank:shock::mrgreen:
very nice way to trump my tank too:wink:.......:lol: JK
i had some type of black colored foam on my back glass that made it fun for my hermits to go rock climbing. they were burning some mad calories lol

@OhNoNemo. your rockwork looks awesome
Um,Biff,,we can't see the back of your tank:shock::mrgreen:
very nice way to trump my tank too:wink:.......:lol: JK

Hahaha. I didn't even think of it that way. :shock:

I think black makes colors stand out more, but dark blue probably does the same!
everyone has there own views on what they like but i got to say looking at fish/corals on blue and black backgrouds the black makes colors pop out much more. But it's your tank do what you like more you would only be able to see part of the overflow with rock in there
I think you are going to have a lot of issues scraping of that black paint. I think you might end up scratching the glass, and leaving little strips of black that will look funny with the blue.

Plus you already have fish and stuff in your tank and i think painting while you have livestock will end up destroying your tank.