what is this snail/slug...thing


Reefing newb
Hey, first time poster here but this question has to be answered.. let me start by saying i grew up in the florida keys and spent almost every day diving,spear fishing, etc. i have many friends born and raised, along with their parents, some of which are lobster fishermen, etc. i also took this to a fish store figuring he may have an answer for me. but yet i still leave with no answer, except that it MAY be a keyhole limpet of some sort..... anyways heres some pictures, please tell me what this thing is.. it has a shell that if you try to bend him backwards it interlocks and stops this, but he can also curl up into an almost complete ball.


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ehh idk, checked the images for it and nothing looks quite like it does. lots of varients through the breeds but nothing like what i got. ive searched damn near everything i could think of on google, and no results... maybe i discovered a new snail lol
just looked it up, matches the description. thanks for the help, now for the second chapter. ive had it in my tank for about two weeks now, no issues but are they good/bad for a tank?

Ive read their not reef safe, but all i have is a bunch of live rock so it should be ok.
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