Mushrooms -


Reefing newb
I have recently been trying different things with my mushrooms. i did my first fragging just this week. i did some today also. I have been experimenting if you will with hanging some and allowing gravity to do its thing, trying different ways to grow them. A few days ago i somehow put 2 frag pieces on top of each other and they are starting to grow. Cant wait to see it in a week or two. well has anyone else played around with mushrooms. i have included some pics.


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i bought these 2 rocks today at the lps paid 5 bucks for them both.


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cool experiment! I've read about people cutting 2 mushrooms in half, and then sewing them together, so that you would have a half and half mushroom, though I guess they usually have babies of only one color. Good luck!
sorry to burst your bubble friend but the experiment has been done many times in many different ways, they may live near each other but unless the piece mutates enough to accept the new cells they will just grow apart. another interesting one i watched a video of was with sponges or 3 different colors, they where all put in a bleeder and well liquified, now the pics should have just settled together and started growing all speckled right, wrong they actually seperated into groups by color, over many hours of course.
sorry to burst your bubble friend but the experiment has been done many times in many different ways, they may live near each other but unless the piece mutates enough to accept the new cells they will just grow apart. another interesting one i watched a video of was with sponges or 3 different colors, they where all put in a bleeder and well liquified, now the pics should have just settled together and started growing all speckled right, wrong they actually seperated into groups by color, over many hours of course.

i realize its been done. but being new to the hobby, i want to do things myself, im not trying to change mushrooms as we know them. just entertaining myself i guess.