Royal Starfish

Philly Bourne

Reefing newb
Also known as The Astropecten articulatus. I had this starfish for about 2 and half weeks now. He seems pretty active moving around,but I noticed that he sifts he way into the sand,and would stay there for a day...Then moves to another spot and buries himself again.
I tried to feed him mysis shrimp and clams on a half shell but he just moves over it and
buries myself into the sand...Does anyone have any information on this breed of starfish?
What to feed it, and tips on how to feed it?? I've added a photo so if anyone has any information it would be helpful...Thanks!


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I see those at the beach ALL the time! According to Wetwebmedia, they need an enormous sand bed. 4-6 sq. feet and at least 6" deep. and don't live longer than a year. They slowly starve to death. Sorry, hope that helps :)
You would do that for me?? hehe... How often to you see them there??

it is highly frowned upon to take a creature from a beach and put it in your tank.
It can introduce problems and disease into the tank and once in your tank it can never go back into the wild.
Thanks Brain for ya input, but before you get serious on us here, I said that in a playful manner and would never expect someone to do that...I hope the frown can be turned upside down.... Lol :bounce:
Looks like a beauty!! Plus i thought they would just sift through the sand eating and cleaning on its way? Meh, but thats just me!! :roll:
plus I am almost positive it's illegal here....and I am a good girl
Were you here in 2004 when hundreds of starfish were washing up on the beach and tourists were grabbing them up and drying them out? I have an Atlantic Ocean starfish of some freaking sort that my ex brought home out of a crab trap at Beach Marine. I'm totally stuck with him now :dunno: He's orange though not blue
Karen - I wasnt there in 2004 and not sure what was going on there at that time...I dont codone people taking starfish from the ocean and killing them either...The one i found there this year was half dead and was'nt sure if he make it...I brought him home and he seems to be doing alot better...As far as the one you have now... Well, if ya not going to return it to the ocean I'd make sure you try in give him a good home... just in my opinion... I just transfered mine into a 55 gal. tank and he truly seems happy, very active at night, and he is eating... I hope things work out with your new starfish...Would like to see a photo of it when you get a chance...
Were you here in 2004 when hundreds of starfish were washing up on the beach and tourists were grabbing them up and drying them out? I have an Atlantic Ocean starfish of some freaking sort that my ex brought home out of a crab trap at Beach Marine. I'm totally stuck with him now :dunno: He's orange though not blue

I was in Memphis in 2004. I didn't know that happened. That's crazy though.

I would never tell you to something like that... I was only kidding.. And Yes you seem like a good girl, and think you should stay that way...

Lol, yeah yeah
I've had him since just before Christmas. I can't put him back in the ocean since he's been in my tanks.