Could I keep a Haddoni?


Reefing newb
HI everyone,

I was wondering, my tank is now a little over a year old now, and I have wanted an anemone since day one. The tank is a 55 gallon, with a 6 x 54 w t5 fixture, do you think this would be sufficient to keep a Haddoni. I know that they are fish killers, but for some reason I find carpet's fascinating and this one seems to be a good fit for my current set up.
Does your fixture have individual reflectors? If so, you should be ok with the light. Also, how deep is your sandbed, they prefer deeper sandbeds. And just be aware, I'm sure you know this already but haddoni's can grow up to 2 feet across and it may take over your whole tank.
Ya, it has individual reflectors, I'm thinking of trying to find one with a green tentacles, and a purple center/oral disc. Ya I understand, I really want to upgrade to a larger tank and its only a matter of time, and when I have enough money to upgrade. The sand bed is probably 3-4 inches deep.
I've seen those the blues go for like $300 and reds about $700 when they show up on Diver's Den.
thanks, everyone, as soon as it arrives I'll post up some picks. Thanks again for all the insight. :bowdown:

Here's a pic, it's not very big, but, it's all I could get.


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Haha, I saw it and jumped. I never see carpets on Divers den, and my LFS never has anything that looks like it will make it more than a day.