Need Fish Suggestions!


Reef enthusiast
Most of you know my tank... 130-ish gallons, 36" cube, open top, lots of live rock.
Currently have Scopas Tang, Kole Tang, Blue Chromis, Midas Blenny, and i finally got my nasty tomato clown out and will be replacing him with a mated pair of Hawaiian black clowns.

So what else can I add? My open top and square shape (less swimming room) kinda narrows my choices.
Too bad you have the open top, your tank would look good with some colorful wrasses. How about try a dwarf angel? Or maybe a full size like the Lamarack's angel.
Oh wow, I didn't realize that some Angels were reef safe.
Will definitely look into that.

I'd love some Anthias but always heard they were jumpers.
Oh wow, I didn't realize that some Angels were reef safe.
Will definitely look into that.

I'd love some Anthias but always heard they were jumpers.
Only the uglies......:lol: JK.....
what about a flame hawk,or blood red hawk,or a couple cardinals
I like my Fire Fish a lot but I hear they could jump. How about a flame angel! They are reef safe with caution - awesome colors!


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Yeah,unless it says they are reef safe(only a handful)its a'll read about people who kept a flame for example,for 5 years without a single nip...Then there will be others with the same fish who just wiped out their tank...
Hey Dennis, what about something from the Pseudochromis family??
Oh wow, I didn't realize that some Angels were reef safe.
Will definitely look into that.

I'd love some Anthias but always heard they were jumpers.

You are right about anthias jumping.They are skittish when you first get them and that's when they are prone to carpet surfing.They will settle after a week and probably never jump out of the tank(notice I said probably).Bartletts and Maldives lyretails here,three years and have never jumped.....and I was told they have short lives because of their fast metabolism,go figure?