zoas disapearing


Reefing newb
I bought 2 frags of zoas about a month ago and a few days later pulled 2 nudibranch's out of my tank. After doing a fresh water dip on the frags one of them still quickly disapeared. I did a second fresh water dip when there were 2 heads left on it but they were gone in a day or 2. The second frag was looking really good but now it's been losing it's heads too. To me it looks like they are just closed up but I don't understand why they wouldn't open again. 2 days ago there were 8 heads, yesterday there was 6 and today there is 5. You can sort of see in the picture little blobs where the heads were before. Does it look like they are just closed or just the left overs from the nudibranch?


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