Boston Bean Cowfish


Because I'm clever
OK the Boston Bean Cowfish is a damn cute fish. I think thats what i will do with the 55 :D yeah i like them vary much so now its research the cuties :D
Boston Bean Cowfish.webp
Those are cute little fish, but are considered "expert only" and they do require mature, stable systems. I think it would be great for your 55 if you plan the tank for them.
Indeed Biff that's one thing I was planing if I do go that rough if I get this little guy I'll be making the 55 his home and making it for what would make it happy. Even if it took nine months to a year to put one in there I'd do it. Then the live foods thing have to research that some as well fresh live brine reefpods and such.
got a link? The book I have all the box fish in it are over a foot, but they didnt list the boston bean. I also couldnt find much of any info from a google search
OhNo is right...I was actually thinking about one when I set up my 90...then I read somewhere that often times unidentified puffer babies are sold as boston bean puffers. I would trust it if the site gave an actual species name, but it doesn't.
well that guys out of the question i found a full on page about this "cowfish" when it is out of its juvenile stage they will be as fallows :( iwish they stayed the jubenille size. so here i stand corrected thanks every one for looking out for its and my best interest

Minimum Tank Size: 125 gallons
Care Level: Expert Only
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Compatible: With Caution
Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size: 1' 6"
Color Form: Blue, Green, Tan, Yellow
Venomous: Poisonous When Stressed or Dies
Diet: Omnivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Family: Ostraciidae

Thinking instead looking in to the Saddle Valentini Puffer after doing some more reserch
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Im not sure I would trust that article, a lot of the information they have in there is not right and very misleading.

Also you didnt seem to catch this about the boston bean:

Note – Boston Beans are various types of juvenile boxfish or cowfish, commonly the longhorn cowfish and the yellow boxfish. Lactophrys sp, “official Boston bean”

So saying the only get to be 4'' is very misleading. They get bigger, they just get called by their actual species name.

Also theses guys are very challenging to keep, despite what the authors think. Very few people can keep them long term. I suspect that the authors just think that fish have reached their natural end of life when instead they are dying from stress from being in a tank.
Thanks wontonflip. ZyberGoby, if your interested in keeping a Boxfish that stays somewhat small, you might look into the Reticulate Boxfish (Ostracion solorensis). This fish will max out at just under five inches. It's not readily available to the hobby, but is obtainable. Some quick facts to maybe help. It's not commonly found in coral-rich areas of seaward reefs, and is found from depths of 1 - 20 meters. It calls the Indo-Australian area home. Hope this helps.