Good Clean Up Crew?

I would say a good aquarium cleaning service would be the best clean up crew. Anytime you can get someone else to do the work, well it's not only good, but that's the best! JMO
Man thats a lot of snails haha what about crabs? i was thinking about 10 of the dwarf blue hermit crabs. And i doubt ill be ordering anything online i have a pretty good amount of LFS, but thanks.
I would say:
2 turbos
2-3 astreas
3-4 ceriths
5 nass snails
And a brittle or serpent star.

If you want, you can go to | Clean Up Crews and Macro Algae - Home and there is a form you can fill out with all the specifics of your tank and they will custom make a clean up crew from your tank. They are a great place to order from and if you get your CuC online I would highly recommend them.

id say the same as what BL1 just said because that's pretty much what i have in my tank that's a 29
There has been some debate on whether hermit crabs.are more nuisance than help in cleaning up. I think their nuisance factor is minor and I've never seen them cause any huge problems. They will eat algae and turn the sand !

I have a corner where my Midas Blenny lives and the moment a hermit crawls back there the Blenny picks up the hermit and carries him away. Now I have more lgae growing in the corner than any where else in the tank.
You have to watch the crabs with the snails, too.
I have plenty of extra shells strewn around the tank for them, but if they want a shell off a snail they'll take it.
here is an example of my larges hermit. Killed a nasa and took its shell. its funny cause he wears it sideways lol


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