Evil emerald crab!!!!


Reefing newb
I have just recently put this huge emerald crab in my tank to control some algae he's probably about three inches from claw to claw and when i got home this afternoon he had my spanish hog in his claws. Anyone ever had trouble with an emerald before?
They're scavengers ... If something was wrong with your fish then the crab just took advantage of it. I had a red emerald that ate about 20 or 30 of my snails before it got banished.
When they are small, they are herbivorous. But as they get larger, they become more opportunistic hunters and will eat fish if they can get to them. The crab you're talking about is massive. Are you sure it's an emerald?

If you want to feel safer with your fish, you should stick to small emeralds. It does take a while for them to mature enough to the point where they can catch fish.
OK, it's been too long! I'm calling BS on the giant emerald crab. If there aren't any pics, then it just doesn't exist.
I'm gonna chime in on this late. I also had a large emerald crab for algae control. He was about 2" - 2.25" when it spread out its claws. When I bought him I remember asking if they had any smaller ones because i wasn't sure about him in my tank. They convinced me and he wreaked havoc in my tank lol. He would knock over all my frag plugs, he would come running out at feeding time and would terrorize fish that got to close. I got annoyed with him and put him in my girlfriends 3g pico because there weren't any frags to knock over and i figured i could take him to my LFS in a couple of days to sell him. I woke up the next day and he had the black and white damsel that was in the pico in his claws having breakfast...... :|

If its that big get rid of it. Not worth the hassle. I got two small ones to replace him and they have been fine.
mine came out of hiding after 1 week+ and OMG he got big. I will try and find him asap and snap a shot of him. But he looks mean he may take my cam and smash it. Then start yelling at me like Mel Gibson did with that one poparotsy. hahaha
Found a pic of mine although theres nothing near it for size comparison.
this is my little butthead. Have had him 9 months. He recently molted "god i hope they molt" and have no idea why he was doing what he was doing here lol.


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this is my little butthead. Have had him 9 months. He recently molted "god i hope they molt" and have no idea why he was doing what he was doing here lol.
Looks like he is praying to the tank gods :bowdown: lol.
Watch out he don't start sacrafising your livestock