New Blue Tang


Ya just got a new blue tang. I have plenty of plants in the tank for him to graze on but what about the meat portion? will brine shrimp be ok?
opps forgot the pictures


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please tell me that he's not in the 29 gallon tank? those tangs require at LEAST a 6ft long tank to be able to swim properly.... tang police?!
Tang police! :D

Anyway, brine is like candy to fish -- very little nutritional value. Stick to algae sheets clipped to the glass, or rubberbanded to a piece of live rock for them to graze on. Maybe yours will also eat spirulina and mysis.

But watch out for ich. In a 29g, if you did not treat for ich before putting him in and if you already have ich in the tank, your tang will catch it if it's stressed.
Even at only 1.5 inches he knows he is too big for that tank and im sure he is not happy about being in there. Do the right thing and return him or give him away now.
+1 little fish.

they still need huge tank size requirements at that little 1 1/2 inches... they aren't like most fish that can be in a tank that size. Please give him to your friend now or take him back to the LFS. he won't last long in your tank.
Congratulations on your new fish. Unfortunately even though he'll be okay in that tank for a short time the others are right, he'll need something much larger quite soon.
That`s one heck of a You tube link. I like that. As far as the blue tang I have to agree. It will come down with problems because of a lowered immune system. The smaller tank will be the cause.
PRC made it I think mel :D

I'm glad you're not pissed at what you're being told, grass ;) Most people would get pissy and defensive if we tell them the fish needs out sooner than later.
I just had to whip out REEFMAN one more time for 2010. He clearly didn't deserve it.:D I'm gonna have to make a kinder friendlier reefman video.
Ok I told him and he said this Friday he can come pic him up... did anybody else notice that in the first picture in the bottom (ish) right corrner of the tank the Alligator/Gieco Gecco reflection in the glass?
I saw it but thought it was some rocks or something. I started to comment on it but thought I had better not, as I didn't wan't to sound any more stupid than I usually do. :lol: