is this ich?

Hey HeyFreqs. How's he doing. Is he better?

Good luck with yours Grassman.

Thanks for asking. It's worse today. I didn't want to but I think I'm going to need to get some meds for him. My blenny and clown are starting to show signs of it now too.


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    128 - Ariels Ich.jpg
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The passing of Ariel;

I'm sad to say that about 9:27 pm EST Ariel has gone to the big ocean in the sky. After a short battle with Ich, she passed peacefully with her friends Cashews, King Freckles and Prince Edward by her side. She will be missed dearly. Visitation will be from now until eternity at Custom Build Started Sept. 13, 2009 - Present Donation maybe made to or a charity of your choice.
Oh I'm sorry Grassman. :( I hate that.

Thanks!! Me too. It's my first lose. I haven't told Kim yet, she's going to be upset cause it was her fish. If I could I'd run down to the store tomorrow while she was at work and get another one, but my DT is off limits for fish for 8 weeks. My other fish aren't too happy about being in the 10 gallon.
I'm sorry for your loss Grassman. I hate to say it but,since the tang was sick already, I think putting him in a tank as small as a 10 probably stressed him out way too much.
I'm sorry for your loss Grassman. I hate to say it but,since the tang was sick already, I think putting him in a tank as small as a 10 probably stressed him out way too much.

Thanks Brian. I agree with you on the 10. It was all I could get on short funds & notice. I have a 20 gallon QT and really didn't want to use it since it's a mini FOWLR and some CUC. Live and learn. I'll tell Kim in the morning.
I hear ya, just in case you need it in the future you can just buy a big rubbermaid container a lot cheaper and use that, I really wish I had thought of it earlier for you. It the same thing Wonton is using to QT her blue tang.
Sorry to hear, Grass. How did you treat for the ich, by the way? Did you go hypo or did you use copper? I've had my hippo on hypo for the past few weeks now (I'm actually already beginning to slowly raise the salinity). Going hypo just seems less stressful on the fish. Not sure yet if mine will be ok, but after 3 weeks, she's still there (fingers crossed).
Sorry to hear, Grass. How did you treat for the ich, by the way? Did you go hypo or did you use copper? I've had my hippo on hypo for the past few weeks now (I'm actually already beginning to slowly raise the salinity). Going hypo just seems less stressful on the fish. Not sure yet if mine will be ok, but after 3 weeks, she's still there (fingers crossed).

I went with copper. Can you send me a pick of you rubber made setup? What size did you get? Think I might have to go that way. Hawk and Blenny are showing. Blenny is still eating normally but Hawk isn't and he doesn't have as may spots as the Blenny does.
I had a sailfin tang that started showing ick, as soon as I noticed it I started with garlic food, and the ick went away. I did catch it very early though, it never got bad and the fish never stopped eating. A stupid damsel killed that tang a week ago. Damsel is now gone. Sorry to hear, ick sucks.
I went with copper. Can you send me a pick of you rubber made setup? What size did you get? Think I might have to go that way. Hawk and Blenny are showing. Blenny is still eating normally but Hawk isn't and he doesn't have as may spots as the Blenny does.

Sure, I'll get a pic up for you. The Hippo's still in there. Sometimes he eats, sometimes he doesn't, but I've caught him swimming around sometimes...but mostly he lies on his side and plays dead when I come near. I have to sneak over to catch him moving.