new coral !


Reefing newb
Just got waving hand coral they are bright orange outside with bright green inside very nice ! put a pic up tomorrow ! Has anyone had that color before i was told its very rare and paid a lot for 2 polyps. If anyone has had that type is there anything i should know about general care for them.
i could not find anything on them when i looked before i purchased them only ones i found that are semi rare is the blue waving hand
Does it look like this?


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A local reefer near me is selling the Tri-Color Cloves that I posted above for $50. They sound like your description. And, like Yote said, I think the care for them is pretty much the same as normal cloves.
yeah those are the ones ! , are they normally expensive i paid 10$ a polyp.

Yeah, I think they're always that expensive (your price is about the same the local reefer near me was charging, so I don't think you got ripped off or anything). I had never seen anything like them before. I think they're beautiful so congrats! :Cheers:
Thanks saltwater ! me neither a friend of mine i went and swapped a frag of waving hand for a chalice frag and noticed he had around 5 polyps and was amazed with how pretty they are , a colony would be stunning in a tank
My LFS also carries that color morph of clove polyps at a normal price (like $10 a frag). I haven't heard of them being rare, but they are super pretty.