Puffer Fish

well, 2 months with a 55 gallon and now looking at building something bigger. LOL!! Need to price out the glass & trim. How does the old saying go....go big or stay home?
Ah,yep...it happens to almost all of us:lol:
i started with a 75,now i have a 125,but am planning on an in wall 8 footer some time
Ah,yep...it happens to almost all of us:lol:
i started with a 75,now i have a 125,but am planning on an in wall 8 footer some time

I could go custom size. We have a bunch of 1/2 acrylic at work. Maybe a few sheets may go missing. LOL!! Cost plus 5% isn't too bad. I have lots of weldon, just don't know how to use it properly. Everything I make leaks.
I could go custom size. We have a bunch of 1/2 acrylic at work. Maybe a few sheets may go missing. LOL!! Cost plus 5% isn't too bad. I have lots of weldon, just don't know how to use it properly. Everything I make leaks.

I'm not a fan of acrylic tanks, they scratch way too easily with saltwater tanks.
Go with the awesome batfish! I saw this guy at the LFS today. Most awesome fish I've seen in awhile.


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I don't beleive it!!! I never told Kim I was thinking bigger would be better and she asked me tonight how much it would be to build a bigger tank. I asked how big and she said depended how much it would cost but there's 8 feet of wall space downstairs that it would look good against. So now I'm looking into maybe a 210 gallon. Only thing is would a 55 make a good refugium for it? She really wants this puffer. LOL!
Puffer fish are not acrylic tank safe, they will scrape their teeth on the tank sides to get to food if they see you. They do get big. with a porcupine buffer you're looking at maybe 12-20 inches. They are very active at night and may nibble at rocks, inverts, anything that looks like food.
I priced out the tempered glass today at work. My cost on a 8'x2'x2' tank is about $675. We'll have to see what Kim says to that. Works out to about a 240 gallon tank.
yeah never was able to do that, been renting my whole life. I guess you can save a lot if you build a tank in the basement. My only question would be... how in the world do you scrub the algae from a tank that large? wouldn't you be scrubbing the glass walls every night and day just to keep it clean?
yeah never was able to do that, been renting my whole life. I guess you can save a lot if you build a tank in the basement. My only question would be... how in the world do you scrub the algae from a tank that large? wouldn't you be scrubbing the glass walls every night and day just to keep it clean?

LOL! I have no idea. Kim wants the tank so I guess she'll have to look after it. I think I'll keep my 55 as a reef, and the other one will be FOWLR. She'll be down playing with her puffer everyday so she can clean it while she's down there. LOL!
With my luck it'll be like the rest of the pets that have come here. I end up taking care of them.
playing with the puffer...yes they do have those blue shimmery eyes and cute faces. Don't let that fool you, they are vicious carnivores and a large puffer would eagerly (and easily)bite off your finger if they think it's a worm or piece of shrimp. I would never put my hands in a puffer fish tank without tongs and being aware of exactly where the fish is. They are cute but they bite and crush anything that looks tasty with their fused plate teeth. You need to feed them hard shelled foods like FROZEN, never fresh clams(always freeze everything you get!), shrimp and other shell fish to keep their teeth down. Porcupine puffers have less issues with excessive teeth growth than some other species so you probably don't need to be too worried about that. I used feed mine vitamin fortified krill and mysis shrimp before making a mistake and gave some fresh shellfish to my puffer. He and a grouper (I had a FOWLR agressive predator tank back then) both ate the shell fish and died of a fast spreading flesh eating bacteria in about a day after eating the shellfish I got from the local grocery store. Anything I get now for any of my fish is always frozen. Ah yes, puffer fish and groupers get along great like they were pals. My puffer fish had more issues with the pump intake than any fish. he got stuck in the intake of the skimmer pump and got stuck and inflated himself making him more stuck. He was lucky I found him soon after. Porcupine puffers are great fish if you take care of them well.