is this ich?


Reefing newb
I am scared my boxfish has ich. He isn't acting strange at all, swimming normal and has a huge appitite. Thoughts?


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+1 daugherty.
As long as he's eating keep feeding him,will probably fight it off,but ich will always be in your tank.......
Dose that frozen food with garlic / selcon (still looking for that) and you should golden. Don't move him, it'll only stress him out more. I learned that the hard way.
You are aware that the box fish needs a tank size around 125 gallons right? Also when stressed they can releases toxins that will easily kill all your other fish.

You need to identify why your boxfish got stressed enough to show the ich, and im going to bet its because its too big for your tank size.
You are aware that the box fish needs a tank size around 125 gallons right? Also when stressed they can releases toxins that will easily kill all your other fish.

You need to identify why your boxfish got stressed enough to show the ich, and im going to bet its because its too big for your tank size.
Holy cow ,good catch.....27 gallon...did not even pay any attention to that......,but also how long has it been in there and with what else....?
Also, 2 days for experience ,??????
Holy cow ,good catch.....27 gallon...did not even pay any attention to that......,but also how long has it been in there and with what else....?
Also, 2 days for experience ,??????

I always check how big someone tank is when they say they have ich. I think too many people only ask "how can i get rid of the ich" when really they should be asking "why did i get ich in the first place"
Wow that's nice, thanks for the info, now I'm in a catch 22. My local fish store assured me this little guy would be fine in my tank, they even said that it was a fine size for him. That sort of makes me upset, though the shop cant be blamed i guess. The thing is its a salt water fish store, so i would think they would care a little more maybe. Now with the ich he won't be able to be taken back. I am aware of the toxin they can release, hopefully he pulls through, if he does I will try to take him back.w
Your LFS exists to sell stuff, they might be nice people, but they have to think with the bottom line. So if they sell you a fish that is probably going to die in your tank, and maybe take everything else out with it, that is sad, but you are going to go back to that store and buy more fish.

You should do your research before buying any fish. is a good place to check how big of a tank you need and to find out other things about the fish (aggressiveness, diet, compatible tank mates etc). Or you can ask us, no one on here is going to be better off if your fish dies or your tank crashes, we are unbiased in that way.

But i hope he pulls though and he can go to a larger tank.
Wow that's nice, thanks for the info, now I'm in a catch 22. My local fish store assured me this little guy would be fine in my tank, they even said that it was a fine size for him. That sort of makes me upset, though the shop cant be blamed i guess. The thing is its a salt water fish store, so i would think they would care a little more maybe. Now with the ich he won't be able to be taken back. I am aware of the toxin they can release, hopefully he pulls through, if he does I will try to take him back.w

I've learned that even if the owner of the LFS is your cousin, they'll try to make a sale. He told me a porcupine puffer was fine for a 55 gallon reef. :grumble: Good thing there's a lot of helpful ppl here to tell me otherwise. I hope he pulls threw, Our blue tangs started showing ick today. Not too happy about it as it wasn't qt'ed before it went into the DT. Forgot to put that step on my adding new fish instruction sheet for other family members.

Look on the bright know have a reason to upgrade to a bigger tank!!:mrgreen:
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Yeah, and I hope you know that since your dt has had ich, it will always have ich unless you have it go fallow for several weeks. Even if you qt and treat for ich, it will get ich again once you put it in the tank. Most of us don't qt, although most of us wish we had qt'd from the start. As long as you keep your parameters perfect and feed high quality foods, ich shouldn't be a huge problem.
Yeah, and I hope you know that since your dt has had ich, it will always have ich unless you have it go fallow for several weeks. Even if you qt and treat for ich, it will get ich again once you put it in the tank. Most of us don't qt, although most of us wish we had qt'd from the start. As long as you keep your parameters perfect and feed high quality foods, ich shouldn't be a huge problem.

I think all my fish are going into my qt tank today. Will the inverts be ok to leave in? Sorry to hijack your threat.
Good luck quarantining and treating Barry. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your fish! Hannah just wrote up an excellent article, and I've stuck it here if you'd like to take a gander at it:

Thanks Sarah. I'm going to pick up a little tank today for a hospital tank. Maybe a 15. My clown won't like it too much but I think he'll be thankful in the end. I don't really want to put them in qt. I was hoping to tank the kids fish shopping this weekend but I guess not. :( Good thing gift certs don't expire. Very good article little_fish. Thank you!
Thanks Sarah. I'm going to pick up a little tank today for a hospital tank. Maybe a 15 gallon if I can find one. My clown won't like it too much but I think he'll be thankful in the end. I don't really want to put them in my qt. I was hoping to take the kids fish shopping this weekend but I guess not. :( Good thing gift certs don't expire. Very good article little_fish. Thank you!

Let me fix all my grammar and spelling mistakes.