4x24 T5ho in 29gallon tank enough for corals and anemone?


Reefing newb
Hey guys, well I'm almost steering away from MH lights for my 29 gallon (30 inches wide) due to some issues, but I'm wondering if a 96watt T5HO would be good enough for it?

The dimensions of the tank are 30" x 12" x 16", and I was thinking of getting an anemone, and perhaps some coral (but who knows, due to a boxfish). But probably!

So what is the concensus on T5HO lights? I'll be buying the Odyssea brand (I Know, I know, but I hear good things about their T5 actually.. Hopefully they are actually HO).

2 would be something, and 2 would be actinic. 96 watts total, and I'm not sure if that's enough?

Yeah a pic would be great. I'm just wondering if that extra oomph is wasted because it's hanging over the sides of the tank?

Stupid 30"... But barring that, if I WERE to go with only a 4x24 T5ho, could an anemone thrive in it? I mean, the tank isn't that deep, but, who knows!
heres the pic


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Check and see if the Odyessea fixtures have individual reflectors, I don't think they do. If not, then IMO it's not enough for a nem.
Oh yeah, definitely no room for that unfortunately. :(

I have heard they have a single reflector, shaped as individual reflectors (Which I see no reason would be any worse than 4 pieces of metal).

So assuming it did have individual, an anemone can get away with 2 actinic's and 2 24w bulbs?

I should also mention that if the reflectors DO need modification, I see no reason I couldn't use a brake and bend my own?
theres only 3 in on each side theres gray plexi and about an inch of bulb overhang


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Well, I guess I'll drop $62 and see what happens and what needs modding (Hell, I love that part anyways).

Now, before I DO that, my current 'rigged' setup is a standard household 2x24" NO fluorescent fixture (You know, you'd hang it underneath a cupboard or some such) which are 20watts each I believe (standard Cool White or something). and 1 other 'Marine-Glow' blue actinic T8 20watt bulb.

Will I notice a definite increase in brightness with this setup? Just seems like a waste to go from 3 fluorescent bulbs to 4. :D
I think you'll notice a sufferance because the bulbs will probably be indifferent Kelvin rating. Also, I have a 96w fixture over my 29G and I have a
BTA that seems to be extremely happy.

But if your profile is correct and your tank is only 1 month old then it's highly recommended that you wait a full year before you get an anemone, they need stable tanks and you run the risk of biking your tank if something swings and pisses the nem off. So maybe a Christmas present next year, eh? Plus, there are corals that are satisfying enough to makeup for the inability to get a nem.
Oh different tank.. Tank is probably 4-5 months, so I'm going to wait a bit.. But I'd like to get some better lighting in the meantime.