Need help with some zoas

R Cubed

Reefing newb
Got this zoe frag about a week ago. Up untill yesterday they looked great now they r closed and the size is reduced. I have another frag that was out of the same tank at the LFS and it is still doing great. I dont see anything eating them or any white dots. The dots in the pic r debris. I did see some it think isopods. Here r some pics. The frag with a flash and without when it was open and now and a pic of the (isopod?) (Pretty small hard to see) ive had them in the tank for forever they dont seem to bother anything. Isee them on other coral and zoes with no problems. oh yah water is testing well. Any help will be greatly appriciated.



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I'd pull them from where they are and place them on the sand. My bet is that over night you had a hermit or something in the tank irritate them enough to close up. They appear to be healthy and alive. But you may have them in an area that is frequented by something that is irritating them. Typically mine will close up for a day and be fine after, normally becasue something brushed up against them.
Cal 380, Alk 9.0, Ph 8.0, Phos 0, Nitrate 0, those r what i test. they have opened back up after i moved them. but they still dont look great i think something in the tank was really bothering them. Im going to keep watching them and see what happens. Thanks alot for the suggestions

I've found that my armor of god palys only do well on the sand as well. I don't think they can handle high or moderate light.