Octopus Coral


Reefing newb
Just at the LFS today and decided to buy a beautiful piece of coral labeled "Octopus Coral". Bought it, and now that I am home, trying to find info on them, such as feeding, and light and current placement. Haven't really found any solid info... if any of you have any tips please let me in!
I'm not sure what kind of coral that is... Is it an "octospawn" like this? If not, can you post a pic?

Just barely put it in the tank so i will send one in a little bit... but yes, that is basically what it looks like. The more I looked online, I think it is probably a frogspawn.
The octospawn is a type of frogspawn, you're right. They are called by a different name because they have much smaller polyps. They have the same care requirements as frogspawn. Moderate light, low to moderate flow. Too strong of a current will rip the flesh off the skeleton. They will usually take food. I feed mine every other day -- meaty foods like krill, mysis or brine. If you gently place some food on its tentacles, it will slowly move it towards its mouth.
Thank you for the info. Here is a pic of him. He has only been in the tank for 30 mins here so he isn't quite open all the way.


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