Emerald crab??


Reefing newb
I found this guy today, Im guessing he came in on some rock i bought a few weeks ago.
Im reading mixed reviews on these guys. Anyone have any good/bad experiences with these crabs? Right now its 1/2" long


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It's a crab. Opportunistic scavenger. Opportunistic predator. They are nice when they are little. Wait until it gets about 1.5" and you might change your mind. :shock:

Had one. It was nice and cute, until it got big and decided to attack a nassarius snail. I rescued the snail. The crab went to hide under a rock when it saw me coming to the snails rescue. The crab immediately stumbled into a bristle worm on the rock. It attacked and ripped the worm to shreds and devoured it immediately.

I made no attempt to save the bristle worm. :mrgreen: It was shredded and dead in about 1/2 second.

The crab was not under fed. The tank was flourishing with all manner of hair algae, caulerpa and bryopsis algae. Plenty of salad to eat. Thats why I put the crab in the tank in the first place. It just decided to turn into a murdalizing hunter for some reason when it got big.

Will YOUR emerald crab turn into a murdalizing hunter? Don't know. 50/50 IMO
I'd had the same problem as RC, I came home one day and found a snail graveyard with about 10-12 empty shells in the sand. And the crab on the rocks about it feeding on another snail. Mine quickly went into the sump.
I have had several in my tank but I did have fish end up missing. Although, I can't say it was due to my emerald's though. I always liked them and need to pick up some more.
I started with 2 emerald crabs and only have 1 now. He is really small and I have had some fish go missing but I think that is because of the stupid damsel and not the crab. I like mine.