Clown fish hosting anemone


It has been about 2 months since I bought a white carpet short tenticle anemone with purple ot the end of each tenticle. My 1 of my clowns has been in a diffrent anemone but the other has not. How could I help get them in there? Or should I just leave them be?
Does it look like this?


If so, that's a condylactis (condy) anemone, not a carpet anemone. Clowns don't usually host in condy anemones. You should just let them be, but don't have high hopes for the condy and clown to have a relationship. They are pretty nems, for sure.
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Opps its blue tipps now that I look at it. Here are some pics.


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That looks like a sebae anemone.

Some clowns will host anemones, others won't. Some prefer to host a rock, the heater, or a powerhead. You can't force a clown to go into an anemone. It's hit or miss with them. Sometimes it can take a while before they'll even go near it, and then they'll host it. There's no way to predict it.
It sounds weird, but some people have reported success by taking a magazine picture of a clown and taping it on the glass near the anemone. The clown will think it's a real clownfish and will go in the anemone to get near it, then decides to stay. It's worth a shot if you don't mind being made fun of for having magazine fish taped to your tank! :lol:
It sounds weird, but some people have reported success by taking a magazine picture of a clown and taping it on the glass near the anemone. The clown will think it's a real clownfish and will go in the anemone to get near it, then decides to stay. It's worth a shot if you don't mind being made fun of for having magazine fish taped to your tank! :lol:

Guess I could try it?
Yeah i've tried a condy anemone (which obviously didn't work), a green carpet anemone, and a bubble tip anemone... none of which my clowns have hosted, along with any of the other corals in my tank. Guess my clowns are just swimmers. hahaha.
Yeah i've tried a condy anemone (which obviously didn't work), a green carpet anemone, and a bubble tip anemone... none of which my clowns have hosted, along with any of the other corals in my tank. Guess my clowns are just swimmers. hahaha.

It may just take them time, my clowns took almost 4-5 months to host anything in my tank.