New Goodies w/pics


Stop Quoting Me!
I don't have to work the entire weekend! Yeah! I figured I'd treat myself to a few corals, spend the entire day tomorrow drinking coffee and playing with my tank. Here are some pics.

I mainly bought the elephant ear mushroom for the rock it was on. liked the rock more than the mushroom.

And yes, my camera still sucks.


  • coral2.jpg
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  • goniapora.jpg
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  • elephant ear.jpg
    elephant ear.jpg
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Maybe in your neck of the woods. where I'm at we call it a sweet F'ing coral. I generally can't remember the names of corals from the store to the house which is all of about 3 blocks. It's an encrusting "starts with a C'..maybe an h after..who knows.:D
Oh theres no doubt thats a sweet f'in piece was just wondering because i hope mine looks that nice one day mines sbout the size ofa quarter...Cyphastrea Coral?
Maybe in your neck of the woods. where I'm at we call it a sweet F'ing coral. I generally can't remember the names of corals from the store to the house which is all of about 3 blocks. It's an encrusting "starts with a C'..maybe an h after..who knows.:D

AHAHAHAHA! Me too!!!
I love that one too.
Glad I'm not the only one who never remembers the names for anything...
I had an elephant ear in our old tank. I loved it. Don't really know why... it never did anything exciting.