Sick Snail?


Reefing newb
I have three snails cruising my tank, two if which were added on the weekend.

This one pictured hasn't really moved too far from where it was first placed in the tank, while the other two are cruising the tank freely.

Does this look ill, and would you remove it or give it time?



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I have three snails cruising my tank, two if which were added on the weekend.

This one pictured hasn't really moved too far from where it was first placed in the tank, while the other two are cruising the tank freely.

Does this look ill, and would you remove it or give it time?


I'd give it a little time. I've had snails stay in the same spot for few days then just pick up mowing te algae again.
I have some snails I thought were dead because I thought they never moved. But as it turns out they cruise the tank at night and stay still during the day, and the kicker was they'd come back to the exact same spot they were before they started their night time odyssey.
It's when they are upside down and laying on the sand bed that they're in trouble. If they are holding onto the glass they are okay for now.