algae help


Reefing newb
i cant get rid of this algae its thick it comes off when i pull it off or scrub it but it just comes back


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That looks like bryopsis algae. You can get rid of it the same way you would other algae -- it's just tougher to remove by hand. Use only RODI (not tap) water, use frozen (not flake or pellet) food, do frequent water changes... It takes time, and it sucks. There are a couple stickies in the Algae forum that may help and go into more detail.
iv never use tap water i do water changes once a week i only feed frozen food

That looks like bryopsis algae. You can get rid of it the same way you would other algae -- it's just tougher to remove by hand. Use only RODI (not tap) water, use frozen (not flake or pellet) food, do frequent water changes... It takes time, and it sucks. There are a couple stickies in the Algae forum that may help and go into more detail.
iv been reading about this algae now that i know what kind it is and im finding that it says boosting the mag to 1500-1600 has anyone tried this ?
well to start im running a shity skimmer rated to 100 gallons but its a POS i have the precision marine bullet 3 itll be on hopefully saturday and a new aqua ultraviolet 25w UV i currently have the turbotwist and i feed like every 2 days just one cube of mysis iand and a little reef nutrietion i only use hikari frozen and i strain the food i dont pur the water that it defroze in in the tank sorry about the spelling
about a month ago i added 65 lbs of LR i already had about 40-50 ever since then iv had hair algae and bryopsis algae i got the hair algae under control thier still some but not bad
Bryopsis is probably the worst of the hair types to get rid of.
It growers runners like grass does which hold the bryopsis in place.
If all your other parameters are right and if there are no stony corals in your tank,you can run the alkalinity up to 14 or 15 DKH and kill the bryopsis out.The algae cant handle the higher alkalinity.
The addition of live rock is probably what caused it. The rock could be leaching nitrates or phosphates, fueling the algae. It sounds like you are doing everything else right. So it should run its course.
i think the new LR is leaking nitrates its at 40-50 and i have very little phosphates the bryopsis algae keeps getting worse
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