can someone identify this for me?


Reefing newb
hello, i got some live rock from a buddy today and i got a hitchiker. i was wondering if someone could tell me what this is? my tank is going through its cycle right now i hope it lives. any help would be appreciated


  • 2010-10-27_17.50.11.jpg
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that is an aiptasia. aka a pest anemone.

Aiptasia X will do the trick. availible at any saltwater reef store.
so i need to get rid of it? :( lol i just want to see something living in my tank! staring at live rock right now isnt very fun, but im waiting for the tank to cycle.

so what exactly does it do? and its weird its not attached to the rock it moves around alot.
i took that peice of live rock out and scraped him off of it. i didnt see any small fragments of it fall into the water or anything. so do you guys tihnk that would be enough?
I had one on a rock and I scraped it off 4 times it kept coming back. I bought some aiptasia X one treatment its gone ! KILL IT FAST
Sorry, but everybody is right (yet again :P). My father in law did the exact same thing and they took over his tank. He is still to this day battling them (12 years later). I just started to add things to my tank after 3 months of starring at nothing. Trust me, its worth it in the end to nuke em. And after your cycle and you start adding things, you'll completely forget about those first couple weeks of bare rock!!
I am in process of ridding my tank of them n pepperment shrip really work in my 75 I have seen at least 6 none that's size and they got rid of all of them I have scrapped them b4 they come back also if you put the rock in freash water for 2 weeks it will be gone but there won't be anything else on it eathier!
if you see a bunch of them showing up, when your cycle finishes have one of the first things you put in be a peppermint shrimp or 2, they will clean your tank out real quick like
Take the rock out put it in fresh water for 2 -3 weeks w no light it'll be gone for sure I've done it a lot. I'm cheap too! But I also have 200lbs of live rock! or pepperment shrimp at the pet store I go to they are 6 buck a piece! I bought 6 of the little guys! Its been 5 days n I see at least 6 aptishia gone but freash water works too!
you guys are so freakin right! i cleaned the rock out 2 days ago hoping i got it. but i checked this morning and i see 3 tiny little ones!!!!!! omw to the fish store when im done typing to get some pepperment shrimp. :)
3 weeks and well I am aptishia free! I have no more in my tank! So I have 7 shrimp in my 75 gallon with 160 lbs of live rock and all are gone now! I used no aptishia x or joes juice!